D. Pangercic, M. Tenorth, N. Blodow, D. Jain, Z. Marton, B. Pitzer, T. Ruhr, M. Schuster, J. Sturm, and M. Beetz, "Semantic Object Maps for Robotic Housework - Representation, Acquisition and Use," submitted to the Special Issue "Semantic Perception, Mapping and Exploration" in the Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2012.
P. Roan, N. Deshpande, Y. Wang, and B. Pitzer, "Manipulator State Estimation with Low Cost Accelerometers and Gyroscopes," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012.
B. Sankaran, B. Pitzer, and S. Osentoski, "Failure Recovery with Shared Autonomy," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012.
D. Pangercic, M. Tenorth, B. Pitzer, and M. Beetz, "Semantic Object Maps for Robotic Housework - Representation, Acquisition and Use," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012.
S. Osentoski, B. Pitzer, C. Crick, G. Jay, S. Dong, D. Grollman, H. Suay, and O. Jenkins, "Remote Robotic Laboratories for Learning from Demonstration," International Journal of Social Robotics, pp. 1-13, 2012.
J. Vorndamme, S. Petereit, B. Pitzer, P. Roan, T. Lilge, and A. Albert, "Robotic System for Mapping 3D in-wall Information for Craftsmen," in Proc. Proceedings of the 7th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2012), Munich, Germany, 2012.
B. Pitzer, S. Osentoski, G. Jay, C. Crick, and O. C. Jenkins, "PR2 Remote Lab: An environment for remote development and experimentation," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012, pp. 3200-3205.
C. Bersch, B. Pitzer, and S. Kammel, "Bimanual Robotic Cloth Manipulation for Laundry Folding," in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011.
B. Pitzer, S. Osentoski, P. Roan, C. Bersch, and J. Becker, "Making robots cheaper, more capable, and safer," in Proc. The PR2 Workshop, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011.
B. Pitzer, M. Styer, C. Bersch, C. DuHadway, and J. Becker, "Towards Perceptual Shared Autonomy for Robotic Mobile Manipulation," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), 2011.
S. Osentoski, G. Jay, C. Crick, B. Pitzer, C. DuHadway, and O. C. Jenkins, "Robots as web services: Reproducible experimentation and application development using rosjs," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), 2011.
B. Pitzer and C. Stiller, "Probabilistic mapping for mobile robots using spatial correlation models," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010, pp. 5402-5409.
B. Pitzer, S. Kammel, C. DuHadway, and J. Becker, "Automatic reconstruction of textured 3D models," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010, pp. 3486-3493.
T. Gindele, D. Jagszent, B. Pitzer, and R. Dillmann, "Design of the Planner of Team AnnieWAY's Autonomous Vehicle used in the DARPA Urban Challenge 2007," in Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2008.
S. Kammel and B. Pitzer, "Lidar-based Lane Marker Detection and Mapping," in Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2008.
S. Kammel, J. Ziegler, B. Pitzer, M. Werling, T. Gindele, D. Jagzent, J. Schröder, M. Thuy, M. Goebl, O. P. Felix von Hundelshausen, C. Frese, and C. Stiller, "Team AnnieWAY's Autonomous System for the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge," Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 25, pp. 615-639, 2008.
C. Stiller, S. Kammel, B. Pitzer, J. Ziegler, M. Werling, T. Gindele, and D. Jagszent, "Team AnnieWAYs Autonomous System." Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008, vol. 4931, pp. 248-259.
J. Ziegler and B. Pitzer, "Bahnplanung für das autonome Fahrzeug AnnieWAY," in Proc. 5. Workshop Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Walting, Germany, 2008.
B. Pitzer, L. Libuda, and K. Kraiss, "Knowledge-based Scene Analysis in Indoor Environments Using Colour and Range Images," in Proc. Vision, Modeling, and Visualization Conference (VMV), Aachen, Germany, 2006, pp. 33-40.